Annotate option Another option from the Tools menu is “Annotate.” This option allows you to add your own notes to Black & Bleu’s explanations.   Step 1 Select Annotate option from the Tools menu. Note: you must also have the Mac error code window open with an error selected. Black & Bleu™ will attempt to launch SimpleText and create an empty file using the error name as the file name. If SimpleText launches successfully, you will see an empty window which can be modified with your own notes as shown below:   After the typing is complete, you must save the file in the folder called “Notes.” This folder will be located in the same folder that contains Black & Bleu™   To add your note to an explanation without using the “Annotate” option, create a SimpleText file in the “Notes” folder and use the error NAME from Black & Bleu's list of error names as the name of the file. Whatever you put into the file will be appended to the end of the explanation of that error displayed by Black & Bleu™ like the example below.   Note: Any style information that you give to the text in your file will be displayed just as you created it. If the error NAME is longer than 31 characters, use only the first 31 as the name of your file. You may create a file for ANY error NAME, even those that don’t have an explanation provided. If you create a note for an error that doesn't have an explanation in the Black & Bleu™ database, only your note will be displayed. File names are NOT case sensitive. As long as you have the correct collection of letters, numbers and symbols, their case isn't important. Imbedded pictures or sounds in your file will be ignored. If the name of your file doesn’t match any of the error names in Black & Bleu’s list, the file will be ignored. If you create an empty file (one without any text in it) it will be ignored. The word Notes will automatically appear in Black & Bleu’s explanation as a separate paragraph designation just above the contents of your file. You don’t need to enter the word “Notes” yourself in the file you create. The font used by Black & Bleu’s for explanations is Geneva 12 point. Monaco 12 point is the font used for monospaced text. You may follow this convention or use your own font. We recommend that you use only 12 point as the size of your text. Other sizes will confuse the text scrolling functions and could result in some text not being displayed properly.